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Janet Mountain Yoga

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Janet Mountain Yoga

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Have you ever felt as if you are the only person in physical, mental, spiritual and or emotional pain? This site is grounded in helping you find relief from the pain you may be experiencing in your mind and in your body.

Have you ever felt that you are not worthy, not good enough? You are not alone. As humans each one of us has our own personal demons, deep struggles, we are fighting every moment of every day. Some of us are better at hiding this fact than others. Some have the mistaken belief they have conquered their stress by stuffing it all inside.

We know through neuroplasticity that what you ”feed” in your brain and body thrives and what you “starve” withers and dies off. You are in control. Yin Yoga feeds your strong warrior Yogi and allows you to soften and let go of toxicity that is no longer serving you in a positive way. Once you begin to starve those toxic patterns, you make space for healing.

Bottom Line: The body keeps score and the more you stuff your pain inside, the more you suffer. In this life, no one escapes pain, but with consistent practice of yoga and meditation, it is possible to avoid suffering.

Our Mission

The mission of this online studio is to offer Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra to anyone seeking relief from stress, tension, worry as well as those seeking greater mobility via opening your connective tissue through Yin’s relaxation and gravity. Additionally, meditation is included in every online class through breath work, postures, and the final guided meditation.  Yin Yoga is for you if you are seeking a lasting experience that is creatively inspiring in your life.  

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Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.

The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. 

Although its light is wide and great,

The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide.

The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one drop on the grass.

Eihei Dogen, Zen Buddhist Monk, 13th century


Yin Yoga

Janet’s relaxing live online Yin yoga classes allow you to experience a release of stress in your body and a settling of your mind as you gently relax into this present moment.  This is a “mini retreat” of self-care that you deserve, for every flexibility level.

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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice of guided meditation into the deeper realms of your body, mind, and emotions. The term yoga Nidra is derived from two Sanskrit words: “Yoga” meaning union between the mind and body and “Nidra” meaning sleep. As you lie on your mat relaxing with your eyes closed, you are guided through deeper layers of relaxation in the body.

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Full Moon Yoga

There is a strong relationship between the moon and Yin Yoga. Each month we will have a live online Full Moon Yin Class honoring the beauty and significance of the moon in our lives. Come relax under the energy of the full moon.

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Your inner sanctuary of stillness, peace and healing is waiting for you.

Yin Yoga is a gift you give yourself. With the practice of Yin, you can find balance in your busy Yang life. We all live very full, often over scheduled lives. In our Western culture, the slower vibration of Yin has been lost for the most part. We now know, sometimes we need to slow down to speed up.

Yin Yoga allows you to practice letting go of your “fight or flight” existence and choose balance and healing. In Yin, you “let go” of attachments to those thought, words and actions that are no longer serving you in a positive way. You allow your mind and body to reset, find balance and tap into your parasympathetic nervous system. This is true liberation.

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Janet Mountain Yoga